Privacy Policy
Your privacy is important to Kelco Engineering Pty Limited.
Thank you for providing us with the privilege to gather and store your personal information to maintain contact with you about our products and services. We understand your privacy is important and are committed to protecting your details and keeping them safe. When we receive personal information from you we will:
- Store it in a secure way
- Make sure it is kept accurate and up-to-date
- Restrict how we use it
- Restrict who we provide it to
- About this Privacy Statement
This statement outlines Kelco’s policy on how we manage the personal information we hold about our customers and others.
It is Kelco’s policy to respect the confidentiality of information and the privacy of individuals.
Kelco’s Privacy Policy Statement complies with the National Privacy Principles contained in the Commonwealth Privacy Act. It will be reviewed from time to time to take account of new laws and technology, changes to our operations and practices and to make sure it remains appropriate to the changing environment. Any information we hold will be governed by the most current Kelco Pty Limited Privacy Policy Statement.
How to contact us
You can contact us about this policy or our products and services by:
Phone: 09 401 6681
Why do we collect your personal information?
We collect your personal information to inform you of additions and Subtractions to our product lineup.
What kinds of personal information do we ask for?
The types of personal information we may collect can include (but is not limited to) name, address, contact details (including email address) and payment information.
We may ask for other information voluntarily from time to time (for example, through market research, surveys or special offers) to enable us to improve our service or consider the wider needs of our customers or potential customers.
If you choose not to provide the information we need to fulfill your request for a specific product or service, we may not be able to provide you with the requested product or service.
How do we use this information and whom may we disclose it to?
Unless you are informed otherwise, the personal information we hold is used for establishing and managing your relationship with us, providing products and services, enhancing customer service.
From time to time we may use your personal information to provide you with current information about new products or services being offered by us. If you do not wish to receive marketing information, you may at any time decline to receive such information by contacting our office by telephoning +61 2 99056425 or by emailing
Depending on the product or service concerned and particular restrictions on sensitive information, this means that personal information may be disclosed to:
service providers and specialist advisers who have been contracted to provide us with administrative, financial, insurance or other services
other insurers, credit providers, courts, tribunals and regulatory authorities as agreed or authorised by law
anyone authorised by an individual, as specified by that individual or the contract
Generally, we require external organisations that handle or obtain personal information as service providers acknowledge the confidentiality of this information, undertake to respect any individual’s right to privacy and comply with the National Privacy Principles and this policy.
Management of personal information
Kelco Pty Limited employees who handle personal information are trained to respect the confidentiality of customer information and the privacy of individuals. Kelco regards breaches of your privacy very seriously and will impose appropriate penalties.
How do we store personal information?
Safeguarding the privacy of your information is important to us, whether you interact with us personally, by phone, mail, over the internet or other electronic medium. We hold personal information in a combination of secure computer storage facilities, third party providers and paper-based files and other records, and take steps to protect the personal information we hold from misuse, loss, unauthorised access, modification or disclosure.
These third party service providers may be located in Australia, and overseas in locations such as Singapore and the United States of America. Kelco has taken reasonable steps to ensure that your personal information is treated by Kelco’s third party service providers in a manner consistent with the privacy law applicable to Kelco.
We may need to maintain records for a significant period of time. However, when we consider information is no longer needed, we will remove any details that will identify you or we will securely destroy the records.
How do we keep personal information accurate and up-to-date?
Kelco Pty Limited endeavors to ensure that the personal information we hold is accurate and up-to-date, however we realise that this information changes frequently with changes of address and other personal circumstances.
During the course of our relationship with you, we may ask you to inform us if any of your personal information has changed. We can generally update your customer information over the telephone or electronically via email. We will generally rely on you to assist us in informing us if the information we hold about you is inaccurate or incomplete.
You have the right to check what personal information we hold about you
Under the Commonwealth Privacy Act, you have the right to obtain a copy of any personal information which Kelco holds about you and to advise us of any perceived inaccuracy. The Act does set out some exceptions to this.
To make a request, you will need to verify your identity, as held by us, via email and specify what information you require.
We will acknowledge your request within 14 days and respond promptly to it.
What if you have a complaint?
If you consider that any action of Kelco Pty Limited breaches this Privacy Policy Statement or the National Privacy Principles or otherwise doesn’t respect your privacy, you can make a complaint. This will be acted upon promptly.
To make a complaint, please email
Links to third party websites
The website has links to external third party websites that may benefit the user.
External websites should contain their own privacy statements and we recommend you review them when using their websites.
Please note, however, that Kelco’s Privacy Policy does not cover third party websites and these sites are not subject to Kelco’s privacy standards and procedures.